Global Action
Indonesia: Tax Response to COVID-19
Mulai 15 Juni 2020, Layanan Perpajakan Tatap Muka di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak dan Kantor Penyuluhan, Pelayanan dan Konsultasi Perpajakan di seluruh Indonesia dibuka kembali. Namun, tidak semua layanan perpajakan dapat dilakukan dengan tatap muka. Wajib Pajak juga dihar... [More]
Germany: Tax measures to assist all businesses affected by...
Businesses will receive tax-related assistance in order to boost their liquidity during the coronavirus pandemic. In coordination with the highest revenue authorities of the German Länder, the Federal Ministry of Finance has adopted a circular specifying tax relief ... [More]
UN report:COVID-19 to slash global economic output by 8.5 ...
Against the backdrop of a devastating pandemic, the global economy is projected to contract sharply by 3.2 percent this year, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) mid-2020 report published on Wednesday. The global economy is e... [More]
ICTD:To help respond to Covid-19, African governments shou...
So far, policy discussions about tax responses to Covid-19 have focused overwhelmingly on how to offer immediate tax relief. There is a clear sequence ... [More]
China: Tax authorities, banks roll out policies to relieve ...
Banks and other financial institutions will make loans more accessible to small and micro-sized businesses affected by the epidemic, in order to help t... [More]
Tackling the coronavirus: OECD Forum on Tax Administration ...
In the light of the worsening global impacts of COVID-19 on individual taxpayers, businesses and the wider economy, the OECD Forum on Tax Administratio... [More]